
Jul 24, 2017

Jul 20, 2017

Myastania Gravis and Remission

Found this good article on Myastania Gravis disease and the possible remission.I was diagnosed with this disease in 1989 and suffered many symptoms from this disease   I had a Plasmapheresi Procedure done at the time i was diagnosed it was very helpful I also had a thymectomy procedure also .
I have been in Remission for a few years now but feel some of the symptoms coming back.
I am very glad I have read this article I see that is normal and not to worry about it if it does come back as the article says we can live a very normal life if we take care of ourselves. I n writing this post I hope to encourage anyone that is experiencing the same syptoms as I am not to worry.
It will all be ok !


Jul 14, 2017

July Flowers

Hi, I took some pictures this morning of some of my flowers. We have been having not so good weather this summer so far, not much sun but lots of rain.I am sure western Canada wishes they had some of our rain they are having major fires!.