
Jan 29, 2012

The Best Perennials for Your Yard

So looking forward to spring 
But then at the same time not anxious to see the mess I left behind last fall
I foolishly left all the leaves in my flower beds I just didn't have the energy to remove them.S***!
Oh well probably once the weather gets nice I'll find a new energy level I usually do.
Simply because Spring is my favorite time of the year .I love seeing all the new buds emerge.
A whole new beginning it seems for everything.
I hope you enjoyed the slideshow I added above. 
Better Homes and Garden have many other slideshows all to make us dream.
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The Best Perennials for Your Yard

So looking forward to spring 
But then at the same time not anxious to see the mess I left behind last fall
I foolishly left all the leaves in my flower beds I just didn't have the energy to remove them.S***!
Oh well probably once the weather gets nice I'll find a new energy level I usually do.
Simply because Spring is my favorite time of the year .I love seeing all the new buds emerge.
A whole new beginning it seems for everything.
I hope you enjoyed the slideshow I added above. 
Better Homes and Garden have many other slideshows all to make us dream.
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Jan 27, 2012

- YouTube

My friend Sandra sent me this video last night Thanks Sandra!!!
Thought I would share it

- YouTube

My friend Sandra sent me this video last night Thanks Sandra!!!
Thought I would share it

Jan 25, 2012

How to Relax

Life can be overwhelming and tedious. With a job, children, mortgage and car payments, it can all seem endless and relentless. But instead of working yourself into a frenzy, it may be best to relax. Take a little time to decompress and clear your mind. Only at that point will you be able to really focus on life's challenges and overcome them. Here are some tips on how to relax and decompress!

    • 1
      Define your stress. Relaxing is about finding out where the stress lies in your life and being able to walk away from it for a moment. Take a rest. For all of us it's different. This step may cause you to also be blunt with yourself. Sometimes achieving the new promotion is what's putting the greatest stress on you. So, take a pen and paper and physically define your stress. By writing it, you will understand it and be closer to controlling it.
    • 2
      Realize your bliss. All of us have things that make us truly happy. It could be the smile of your loved one or climbing Mt. Everest. Your bliss is something that is such a pleasure, such a joy for you to do, the worries of the world simply fall by the wayside. Ask yourself what your bliss truly is. Then on that same piece of paper where you defined your stress, turn it over and write the things down that you love doing. They may not all be realistic due to time or monetary constraints, but find at least one thing you can do a week that forces you to relax.

    • 3
      Cut off communication. We are so "connected" in this world, many of us are reachable at every moment of the day either via Internet, PDA, cell phone, home and work phones. Being reachable is a source of stress in that it is not allowing you to relax, decompress or get away from the rest of the world. Shut off the cell phone, turn off your PDA, log off the Internet, unplug the phone and simply just be quiet in the moment. This may seem sort of hard. You may find yourself being consistently pulled to those devices that we've all become so accustomed to.
    • 4
      Immerse yourself in relaxation. Now that you've defined what truly makes you happy and takes you away from the world's worries, do it!

Read more: How to Relax |
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How to Relax

Life can be overwhelming and tedious. With a job, children, mortgage and car payments, it can all seem endless and relentless. But instead of working yourself into a frenzy, it may be best to relax. Take a little time to decompress and clear your mind. Only at that point will you be able to really focus on life's challenges and overcome them. Here are some tips on how to relax and decompress!

Jan 23, 2012

What Causes a Low Immune System?

A powerful immune system does wonders for your well-being and is the gateway to a healthy life. A low white blood cell count, hence a weak immune system, leaves the body defenseless and open to attack. Many people wonder why they are so susceptible to colds and other viral infections, oblivious that their own immune system may be the culprit.
Related Searches:

  1. The Structure of Your Immune System

    • The lymphoid organs are located in the entire body. They host the small white blood cells (lymphocytes) that help to guard the body against disease. These lymphocytes plus phagocytes (the blood cells that protect the body against foreign particles and bacteria) comprise the immune system. All immune system cells must work together to operate effectively. When this fails to occur, a weak immune system develops.

    Excess Sugar May Hurt Your Immune System

    • By consuming too much sugar, your immune system loses its ability to destroy germs by 40 percent. Sugar suppresses the immune system and begins affecting the body within minutes after consumption, and can last for up to 5 hours. To combat virus and bacteria, the white blood cells need a high supply of Vitamin C. When excess sugar is inside the body it erodes the Vitamin C present and breaks down the immune system cell structure.

    Diseases Weaken Your Immune System

    • When part of the immune system malfunctions or is absent, an immune deficiency disease can develop. Immune deficiency diseases are bred either from an inborn immune system cell defect (primary immune deficiency disease) or from an extrinsic environmental agent (secondary immune deficiency disease). Example: AIDS is caused by an extrinsic force (HIV) and is therefore a secondary immune deficiency disease. Autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and lupus affect the tissue that connects the body tissue and organs, triggering a breakdown in the immune system.

    Alcohol Can Hurt Your Immune System

    • Excessive alcohol intake deprives the body of valuable nutrients and causes nutritional deficiency. It stops the white blood cells from multiplying and disables the macrophages (the cells that ingest foreign particles) from generating tumor necrosis factors (proteins). This shortage of immune system cells results in a weakened immune system. The amount of damage caused by alcohol to the immune system depends on how much the user ingests.

    Allergens Affect the Immune System

    • When the immune system views otherwise harmless materials such as pollen and dust or a certain food type as a threat, it goes into attack mode, hence an allergic reaction. The body's intestinal lining is generally an impenetrable wall built to block foreign invaders. When an allergy occurs, the wall is destroyed leaving the immune system open to invaders and other toxins.

    Treatment for a Weak Immune System

    • For patients with a low immune system, physicians will sometimes prescribe immune-boosting medicines such as interferon, which includes protein for combating viral infections. Maintaining a balanced diet and increasing vitamin intake are also highly recommended.

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What Causes a Low Immune System?

A powerful immune system does wonders for your well-being and is the gateway to a healthy life. A low white blood cell count, hence a weak immune system, leaves the body defenseless and open to attack. Many people wonder why they are so susceptible to colds and other viral infections, oblivious that their own immune system may be the culprit.
Related Searches:

  1. The Structure of Your Immune System

    • The lymphoid organs are located in the entire body. They host the small white blood cells (lymphocytes) that help to guard the body against disease. These lymphocytes plus phagocytes (the blood cells that protect the body against foreign particles and bacteria) comprise the immune system. All immune system cells must work together to operate effectively. When this fails to occur, a weak immune system develops.

Benefits Of Weight Loss In Copd Patients | LIVESTRONG.COM

Healthy lung vs COPD.Image via WikipediaBenefits Of Weight Loss In Copd Patients | LIVESTRONG.COM
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Benefits Of Weight Loss In Copd Patients | LIVESTRONG.COM

Healthy lung vs COPD.Image via WikipediaBenefits Of Weight Loss In Copd Patients | LIVESTRONG.COM
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Jan 22, 2012

Love cupcakes !!!

I love cupcakes I love eating them and I love making them I love decorating them Aaaa!! I really like them !!!
Here are some pictures I have found on other blogs and websites of cupcakes.

Love cupcakes !!!

I love cupcakes I love eating them and I love making them I love decorating them Aaaa!! I really like them !!!
Here are some pictures I have found on other blogs and websites of cupcakes.

Jan 21, 2012

Preserving Fruit Flavors in Alcohol: Homemade Liqueurs | Growing A Greener World

Preserving Fruit Flavors in Alcohol: Homemade Liqueurs | Growing A Greener World
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Preserving Fruit Flavors in Alcohol: Homemade Liqueurs | Growing A Greener World

Preserving Fruit Flavors in Alcohol: Homemade Liqueurs | Growing A Greener World
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As promised yesterday I am starting the Healthy Posting .Today the article I have chosen is something that I feel is a very important issue to address!
Yes costly maybe, but If your home isn't healthy you can be sure you and your family won't be either!
I found this post from MoneyPit

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mold growth can exist practically anywhere. Whether you are inside or outside, mold spores are there. They can enter your home through openings as large as doors or windows, or as small as the tiniest gap you ever chased with a caulk gun. Once in your home, the spores can grow on clothes, shoes, toys or even pets. Worse yet, toxic mold is almost certain to release clouds of potentially harmful spores that, once airborne, can take the shortest path to your lungs.
Mold removal tipsSome molds are harmful like toxic mold, others are benign. And, how mold affects you can depend on your own personal sensitivity. Mold expert Jeff May learned this first hand. The Johns Hopkins University Press author of three books (My House is Killing Me, My Office is Killing Me and the Mold Survival Guide), wasn’t always such an accomplished expert on how mold can make you really sick.
“For years, I had an office air conditioner that was probably too big for the space. As a result, my office was always damp and I’d cough whenever the AC came on. Then one day I opened it up and found that everything inside had turned black – with Cladosporium mold. That was the defining moment when I put two and two together,” said Jeff May.
According to May, the first step to a mold free home is to understand what makes it tick. Mold needs three things to grow: moisture, air and food, and this combination can be found just about anywhere in your home. “Mold grows where it can find food: the dust on a bathroom ceiling, the starch paste on the back of wallpaper, or the plant fibers that make up the jute pad under a carpet. Add moisture, and mold growth begins,” said May.
Here’s what you need to know to keep your home mold free:

  1. MIND THE MOISTURE – Keep humidity below 50% in basements. Improve outside grading and drainage by keeping gutters clean and soil always sloping away from your home. Cover dirt crawlspace floors with plastic to reduce moisture.
  2. STORE SAFELY – Keep all storage at least several inches up off concrete floors and away from foundations where dampness can easily seep in. This is especially important with organic material like cardboard boxes. For a mold free home, avoid using wooden shelves; metal or plastic shelves are preferable.
  3. HEAT FINISHED BASEMENTS – Below grade spaces like finished basements are more likely to become infested and should always be heated to at least 60 degrees, even when not being used. The warmer the space, the less the chance that condensation will form and feed a mold problem.
  4. BUILD MOLD RESISTANT – When choosing building materials, use materials that don’t feed the mold. Tom Combs took this option when remodeling the bathroom in his family’s 1990 lake house outside of Atlanta, Georgia. “The ceiling was covered with mold and I wanted to take immediate action before the situation worsened,” said Combs. His solution was the Dens Armor Plus, a wallboard made by Georgia Pacific that is specifically designed to prevent mold growth. Unlike regular drywall that has a paper face, Dens Armor Plus has a fiberglass face that cannot feed a mold problem.
  5. Mold Free Home: Top 10 TipsVENTILATE VIGOROUSLY – Poor or missing ventilation fans in damp spaces like baths and kitchens can leave enough moisture behind to sustain a mold problem. Make sure all baths and kitchens are vented by properly sized fans that take moisture outside and NOT into attics. Keep the bathroom door open after bathing to speed drying of surfaces.
  6. AVOID BASEMENT CARPETS– More than almost any other material in a house, carpets can be incredibly effective havens for mold. Even non-organic carpets can collect dirt, dust and moisture that combine to provide mold a fertile ground in which to grow, especially in below-grade spaces where relative humidity tends to be higher. Hard surface products like laminate flooring or engineered hardwoods are always a better choice for basement spaces.
  7. FILTER THE AIR – If your home has a forced-air heating and cooling system, using a top quality air filter is a must. May recommends pleated filters with a MERV rating of at least 6-8, or 11 if the family is prone to allergies. Another option is a whole house electronic air cleaner. Mounted permanently to the home’s HVAC system, a whole house air cleaner uses ionization technology to charge particles making them stick to filters like a magnet. According to Consumer Reports, the most effective unit is the Aprilaire Model 5000, which can trap virus-sized particles as small as one micron (one millionth of a meter) and needs just yearly filter replacement.
  8. INSULATE DUCTSDuct systems that carry heated or cooled air throughout your house must be insulated whenever they pass through unheated or uncooled spaces like attics or basements. If not, condensation can form inside the ducts and, when combined with dust in the air, can allow mold to grow in the ducts, and then spores can easily circulate throughout your entire house.
  9. CLEAN CAREFULLY – Use mold-inhibiting cleaners in bathrooms and kitchens. Portable air conditioning units should be taken apart and cleaned at the start of every season. When painting damp spaces like kitchens and bathrooms, use paint with a mold inhibitor EPA-approved for indoor use.
  10. FIX FLOODS FAST - If you do have a major leak or flood, quick action can stop mold before it starts. Thoroughly dry soaked carpets and padding, and remove any wet upholstery. Then wash and disinfect all surfaces before the carpet and pad are replaced.
You can also do mold testing to help narrow down the cause of the mold. Hiring someone who understands buildings before you do a mold test, such as a home inspector who is trained in mold and a member of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), can help you find the problem and change the conditions, so the mold won't return.
Mold may be a part of Mother Nature’s plans, but following these tips will make sure recovering from the mold allergies it can cause doesn’t ever have to become part of your plans. For more information on mold, visit the web site for the Centers for Disease Control and the EPA's Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home.
Mold and Cardboard Boxes
Mold needs moisture and food to grow, and cardboard storage boxes can become a mold feast in a damp basement. To protect your belongings and your home's air quality from the threat of mold, store items on plastic or metal shelving instead of on basement floors. Address any basement water leaks, and if mold has already started to grow, hire a mold remediation professional to clean up the space.
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As promised yesterday I am starting the Healthy Posting .Today the article I have chosen is something that I feel is a very important issue to address!
Yes costly maybe, but If your home isn't healthy you can be sure you and your family won't be either!
I found this post from MoneyPit

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mold growth can exist practically anywhere. Whether you are inside or outside, mold spores are there. They can enter your home through openings as large as doors or windows, or as small as the tiniest gap you ever chased with a caulk gun. Once in your home, the spores can grow on clothes, shoes, toys or even pets. Worse yet, toxic mold is almost certain to release clouds of potentially harmful spores that, once airborne, can take the shortest path to your lungs.
Mold removal tipsSome molds are harmful like toxic mold, others are benign. And, how mold affects you can depend on your own personal sensitivity. Mold expert Jeff May learned this first hand. The Johns Hopkins University Press author of three books (My House is Killing Me, My Office is Killing Me and the Mold Survival Guide), wasn’t always such an accomplished expert on how mold can make you really sick.
“For years, I had an office air conditioner that was probably too big for the space. As a result, my office was always damp and I’d cough whenever the AC came on. Then one day I opened it up and found that everything inside had turned black – with Cladosporium mold. That was the defining moment when I put two and two together,” said Jeff May.
According to May, the first step to a mold free home is to understand what makes it tick. Mold needs three things to grow: moisture, air and food, and this combination can be found just about anywhere in your home. “Mold grows where it can find food: the dust on a bathroom ceiling, the starch paste on the back of wallpaper, or the plant fibers that make up the jute pad under a carpet. Add moisture, and mold growth begins,” said May.
Here’s what you need to know to keep your home mold free:

Jan 15, 2012

Dad , Gary and me on a picnic

Gary at Cadet Camp with Dad and I

Dad and me at Three Lakes

Me First grade

Me and Mom at the camp Three lakes

Nan and me